
Physical Therapy St. Petersburg, FL

Physical Therapy St. Petersburg, FL

Don’t let pain, injuries, or impairments keep you from the activities you love.

Trust the experts at St. Pete Physical Therapy to help you live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Are you looking for results-oriented physical therapy in St. Petersburg, FL? St. Pete Physical Therapy has you covered. Our clinic is located at 11210 Blue Heron Blvd, near I-275 and Roosevelt Blvd, Gandy Blvd, Jabil Headquarters, and Blue Heron Corporate Complex, and offers a wealth of scientifically-backed treatment solutions for pain, injuries, and overall performance improvement.

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy have extensive training and experience. Whether you want to get back into an active lifestyle or optimize your current physical activity, we deliver personalized treatment approaches tailored to your specific goals.

Every one of our patients will receive a comprehensive physical evaluation to help us better understand their exact needs. We’ll assess any pain, weakness, impairments, mobility issues, or injuries to know which of our many research-backed treatment techniques will work the best.

Our clinic has helped countless people achieve their physical goals, from hardcore athletes to weekend warriors. If you want to see improvements in your sports performance, we can provide cutting-edge techniques and approaches to help you smash your goals.

Or have you been out of the game for longer than you like due to injury or simply being too busy? We’ll start where you are and help you build the strength, power, speed, and endurance to jump back into the game.

Don’t let pain, injuries, or impairments keep you from the activities you love. Trust the experts at St. Pete Physical Therapy to help you live a healthy, active lifestyle. Contact our St. Petersburg, FL physical therapy clinic today to schedule an appointment and take your first steps toward greatness!

Business Hours

Mon-Thu: 7am - 6:30pm
Fri: 7am - 4pm

Social Media

Experience Our Pain-Relieving Treatments


Back Pain

Over 80% of adults will experience lower back pain at some point. Are you like one of them seeking back pain relief? At St. Pete Physical Therapy, our expert Doctors of Physical Therapy will evaluate your exact symptoms and functional impairments to provide you with a treatment plan that works.


Shoulder Pain

Did you know that shoulder pain affects nearly 25% of adults in the United States? This pain can profoundly impact your day-to-day life, interfering with your ability to complete job tasks, participate in your favorite sports, get dressed or take care of the household.


Knee pain

Have you noticed that walking or going up and down stairs seems more difficult, thanks to your knees? Do you search for a parking spot close to the store entrance out of concern for your knees?


Neck pain

If you’re struggling with neck pain, you’re not alone: recent studies reveal that approximately 30% to 50% of adults experience it each year.


Running injuries

If you are a runner, recreational or competitive, you are likely to deal with injuries at some point. Running is a very demanding sport on our muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and bones.


Pediatric sports injuries

Is your child an athlete? It is estimated that there are approximately 60 million youths, aged 6-18, who participate in organized sports. Of those 60 million, approximately 45.9%-54% will sustain some form of sports injury.

St. Petersburg, FL Physical Therapists

Meet The St. Pete Physical Therapy Team!

The team of physical therapists at St. Pete Physical Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL is dedicated to providing exceptional, evidence-based treatment to our community. We understand how essential physical performance is to you, and our personalized approach will help you get to where you want to be.

Our skilled movement specialists will identify the source of your pain or impairments and offer research-backed techniques to alleviate your concerns and help you thrive. You’ll receive personalized care, cutting-edge treatment approaches, and a team of experts motivating you to achieve your best!

At St. Pete Physical Therapy, your goals are our goals, and we’re dedicated to delivering results. We know that pain, muscle imbalances, or other impairments can stand between you and your athletic achievements, and we’ll do all we can to get you on the right track.

Our experts will never just treat your symptoms. Instead, we’ll work to address every factor contributing to your concern. We can help alleviate pain at its source, rehabilitate joints or soft tissue after injury, or correct faulty body mechanics that could affect your performance.

Our St. Petersburg, FL physical therapy clinic staff is committed to providing a positive, supportive environment where you can rehabilitate, train, and maximize your full potential as an athlete. Don’t let pain, injuries, weaknesses, or impairments keep you from smashing your goals. Trust St. Pete Physical Therapy to find solutions and treatments that work for you.

Are you ready to get moving? Request an appointment with us today!

St. Pete Physical Therapy will help you rock those performance goals!


At St. Pete Physical Therapy, we take an evidence-based approach to physical therapy. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy will provide you with a tailored program designed to get results. From injury rehabilitation to customized training programs, our team is here to help.

We have a proven track record with a long history of success and quality of care resulting from our experience, dedication, and knowledge. We know each patient is unique, so we individualize each treatment plan based on your goals and abilities.

If you’re a recreational or highly competitive athlete living in St. Petersburg, FL, and looking to level up your game, St. Pete Physical Therapy is here to help you reach your goals and lead a happier life. Request your appointment today to discover how our research-based approach to physical therapy is the right choice for you!

What Would Your Day Be Like If You Weren't In Pain?

If you weren’t in pain, you would be able to do the things you want to do, like play with your grandchildren, or take that walk around the park with your dog, or perhaps participate in that athletic event with your co-workers. Stop letting pain control your life. Request an appointment and start your road to recovery!

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